Installing OcempGUI

This section describes the process to configure and install OcempGUI.


The following applications and libraries are needed before OcempGUI can be installed:

  • Python, version 2.3 or higher

  • pygame, version 1.6 or higher

Please refer to the documentation of the respective package about how to install it.

Binary packages

OcempGUI is not provided as binary package by the author. However, it might be that someone else set up such a package for your wanted operating system or distribution. Those packages are usually not supported by the author, what means that installation problems or similar issues, which do not target the library directly, should be escalated to the respective supplier of that package.

Building from source

The unpacked package contains two possibilities of building and installing it. Both ways are mostly identical but the one or other user might tend to prefer a specific way. The first is the python way of installing software, the second follows the tradition of the unix environment and uses a Makefile (which actually simply starts the python way). While being in the top source directory, it is possible to type either

make install

for the traditional unix way or

python install

for the python way.

The package might have some special options, which are described in the README file shipped with it.

Using CVS

Using the latest development sources is possible via CVS. More information about how to use the SourceForge repository can be found on SourceForge.


It should be noted, that using the development sources can cause higher risks to the environment than the usual releases can do. Thus it is highly recommended to read the ocemp-devel mailing list in which actual development ist discussed.