Widget overview

The following sections cover the possibilities and capabilities of the different widgets, the ocempgui.widgets module offers. The sections will not cover any method and attribute of the widgets in detail, but just the most important ones. It is strongly recommended, that you read through the doc strings of the widgets, too, to get a complete overview about them.

General settings

The ocempgui.widgets module contains some globally accessed settings, that influence its complete behaviour. Those can be found in the ocempgui.widgets.base part and contain the Style, which is currently in use, the timer rate for double-clicks and a debugging flag. You can adjust those settings easily by simply binding them to new values.

Before you go ahead and change base.GlobalStyle, you should read the section called “Changing the widget appearance”.

The base.debug setting is for additional debugging output and should not be set to True usually (unless you are using a development version).

The last one, base.DoubleClickRate should be set using the base.set_doubleclick_rate() method only and denotes the maximum time to elaps between two click operations to identify them as a double-click.