This NEWS file for ocempgui covers a short overview about the latest changes. 0.2.9 2008-05-10: ------------------- * Removed explicit Numeric dependencies for pygame >= 1.8.0 widgets package: * Added reversed focus switching through SHIFT+TAB in Renderer class. Renderer.switch_index() features a new argument 'reverse' now. * Fixed a set_focus() bug in Alignment class. It should not be focusable by default. 0.2.8 2008-01-10: ------------------- * Chat client example now requires Twisted >= 2.5.x * Added Graph2D and StatusBar sections in manual. access package: * ocempgui.access.papi updated to version 0.0.5. widgets package: * New method 'set_cursor()' in ScrolledList class, which allows to set the cursor programmatically. * Fixed a bug in Style.copy_style(), which prevented subkeys from being copied correctly (thanks to Ryan Dhuse). * Fixed a bug in the *Frame.calculate_size() methods, that could lead to crashes on setting *Frame.spacing. 0.2.7 2007-03-23: ------------------- * Added installation note for Win32 environments and the "No module named themes" error. access package: * ocempgui.access.papi updated to version 0.0.4. widgets package: * New 'locked' attribute and lock() and unlock() methods in the Renderer class, which add locking abilities for updates. * New 'linespace' attribute and set_linespace() method in the Label class to set the line spacing amount for multiline labels. (Thanks to Christophe and Ludovic). * Multiline text in Label class now respects ALIGN_NONE alignment by centering the text. (Thanks to Christophe and Ludovic). * New 'drops' attribute and set_drops() method in the Renderer class to improve the event handling speed by allowing to drop mouse motion events, when the Renderer updates a portion of the screen. * Fixed CTRL+Click selection behaviour in ScrolledList widget class. * Dropshadows for windows will only be drawn, if the shadow style entry is greater than 0. 0.2.6 2007-02-01: ------------------- access package: * New 'zoom_func' attribute and set_zoom_func() method in the Magnifier class, which allow the usage of own zoom functions for magnification. widgets package: * New Alignment widget class which controls the alignment of its child. * New method invalidate() in the ImageMap class, which allows optimized updates for portions of the displayed image on the ImageMap. * New 'align' attribute and set_align() method in the Label class, which allows to set the alignment of the displayed text. * Fixed Table.set_children() assignment. * Fixed alignment check in Constants.constants_is_align(). * Fixed layer destruction in Renderer class. * Fixed key code recognition in the Editable class (thanks to Matthias Kievernagel). * Fixed event.handled value for Editable, FileList, Graph2D, ImageMap, Scale, ScrollBar, ScrolledList, ScrolledWindow and the ToggleButton class, which could prevent them to work correctly on Window widgets. 0.2.5 2007-01-22: ------------------- widgets package: * Inheritors of the Container class now need to implement the calculate_size() and dispose_widgets() methods of it. * Fixed input handling for some keyboard layouts, which return a NUL key code for valid input (such as ABNT 2) in the Editable class. * Added SIG_DESTROYED signal handling when a widget is about to be destroyed. 0.2.4 2007-01-08: ------------------- access package: * ocempgui.access.papi updated to version 0.0.3. draw package: * The FaderSurface will apply the alpha value on every assignment, not only on value changes. widgets package: * New Box widget class, which allows its children to be positioned absolutely. * New 'opacity' attribute and set_opacity() method in the BaseWidget class, which allow to set the alpha transparency for each widget. * The create_screen() method of the Renderer accepts additional depth as defined by pygame.display.set_mode(). * Fixed an error in Style.copy_style() which prevented certain styles from being copied. * Fixed multiple blits of the same area in the update() method of the Renderer class. * Fixed a parent relation bug in the remove_widget() method of the Renderer class, which could lead to wrong updates. * Fixed a blitting bug in the layer info display. * Fixed update issues in the Container and BaseWidget classes, which could cause overlapping widget not to be displayed correctly. 0.2.3 2006-11-20: ------------------- access package: * ocempgui.access.papi updated to version 0.0.2, which relies upon ATK >= 1.12.1. widgets packge: * Added a new example for embedding the Renderer into an own mainloop and the assignment of partial screen areas. * New rect and rect style attributes in Renderer class. * Improved drawing method of the Renderer (thanks to Martin Fuzzey). * The Renderer supports event based polling now, which can be chosen using Renderer.start (True). By default the timer based polling will be used. * Fixed a layer update bug for widgets that do not directly intersect with screen portions to update. * The remove_widget() method of the Renderer class now accepts multiple widget arguments similar to the add_widget() method. * Setting the state in the Button, ImageButton and ToggleButton classes will not cause redraws anymore, if the state did not change. * Fixed the assignment of surfaces to the Renderer and the event handling for them. 0.2.2 2006-10-19: ------------------- access package: * Fixed a notify() bug in the Magnifier class, which could cause exceptions if no mouse movements occured in the passed event list. draw package: * The font cache of the String module distinguishes between applied styles when String.create_font(), String.create_file_font() and String.create_system_font() are used. (Thanks to Regis Desgroppes) * Fixed a bug in String.create_system_font(), which applied styles two times and could lead to broken rendering of fonts. (Thanks to Regis Desgroppes) widgets packge: * New TooltipWindow class which uses a certain color and displays a simple line text. * New SIG_ENTER and SIG_LEAVE signals, which indicate that the mouse cursor entered or left a widget. * New 'entered' attribute and set_entered() method in BaseWidget class, which indicate, that the widget is entered by an input device. * Added SIG_ENTER and SIG_LEAVE support to the BaseWidget class. * Minor speed optimizations in some widget classes. * The WidgetStyle dictionary class will be imported using the module namespace now. * Fixed internal positioning for packed widgets. * Removed doubled set_state() method in ToggleButton class. * Fixed wrong SIG_FOCUSED emittance, when the focus was not set on the widget. * Fixed scrolling behaviour in the ScrolledList class. * Fixed the update of deselected items in the ScrolledList class. * Fixed drawing_engine example. 0.2.1 2006-08-25: ------------------- * ATK version check fix. access package: * New Magnifier class, a magnification tool for pygame screens. draw package: * New Constants module. * New FONT_STYLE_TYPES constants for styles to be passed to the String module methods. * String.* functions now allow additional style flags to be passed. * New method apply_font_styles() in String module to apply different rendering styles to a font. events package: * New Subject and IObserver class for simple Observer pattern needs. * New method clear() in EventManager class, which removes all objects and signals from all event queues. widgets package: * New SIG_SCREENCHANGED signal, which indicates changes of the bound 'screen' attribute of the Renderer. * New method create_style() in BaseWidget class, which is a replacement for the deprecated get_style() method. * New WidgetStyle dictionary class, which can track key-value changes. * New ImageLabel class for simple image displays. * New style entry 'shadowcolor' for adjusting dropshadow effects. * New method clear() in Renderer class, which removes all objects from the Renderer layers. * Fixed emittance of SIG_TICK events on all layers, if an event grabber is set. * The Style class now makes use of WidgetStyle dictionaries to track style changes. * Fixed drawing in the draw_dropshadow() method of the DefaultEngine class for larger shadow values. * Fixed doubled assignment of the 'screen' attribute in the Renderer class on VIDEORESIZE events. * Fixed a bug in the remove_index() method of the Renderer class for empty arguments. * Fixed the size calculation for larger spacing values in the Table class. * Fixed a focusing bug in the Window class, which prevented children to receive the correct input focus under some circumstances. * Fixed depth assignment for widgets attached to the Bin or Container class. * Fixed 'indexable' assignment for the 'controls' attribute of the BaseWidget class. * Fixed creation of the Table internals on invocation of its constructur. * Fixed event.handled assignment on clicks in Entry class. * The get_style() method of the BaseWidget class is deprecated. 0.2.0 2006-07-22: ------------------- * Minimum pygame requirement changed to version 1.7.1. * Installation of additional data now respects the user flags. * Filename fixes for case insensitive filesystems. access package: * Renamed Accessible class to IAccessible to outline that it is an interface class. * Renamed Indexable class to IIndexable to outline that it is an interface class. * New _papi (python accessible programming interface) module, which bridges to the ATK/AT-SPI accessibility system. * New interface update_index() in Indexable for updating object indices. * Removed AccessibleContext class because it had no use. draw package: * New FaderSurface class, which can fade in and out surfaces using alpha transparency. events package: * New INotifyable interface class. * New method __len__() in the EventManager class, which counts the total amount of objects addded in any of its queues. * EventManager class does not use __slots__ anymore. * Renamed 'eventgrabber' attribute in EventManager class to 'event_grabber' to synchronize the naming schemes. object package: * BaseObject class now inherits from widgets package: * New style entry 'bordercolor' for flat borders (BORDER_FLAT). * New abstract ButtonBase class for the fast creation of button type widgets. * New abstract Diagram class for diagram and graph widgets. * New Graph2D class for drawing function graphs on a 2D coordinate plane. * New ViewPort class, which can act as proxy for widgets, which need to be scrolled. * New global StyleInformation dictionary, which contains additional information about the Styles. * New DEFAULTDATADIR constant which denotes the installation path of the theme engines and additional resources. * New ORIENTATION_TYPES constants for widgets, which can draw themselves in a horizontal or vertival alignment. * New signal SIG_UPDATED, which indicates, that the screen was updated by the Renderer class. * New signal groups SIGNALS_KEYS and SIGNALS_MOUSE. * New 'maxsize' attribute and set_maximum_size () method in the BaseWidget class. * New 'minsize' attribute and set_minimum_size () method in the BaseWidget class. * New 'locked' attribute and lock() and unlock() methods in the BaseWidget class, which add locking abilities for updates. * New 'indexable' attribute and set_indexable() method in BaseWidget class for setting the Indexable interface implementor to use. * New method draw_bg() in BaseWidget class, which draws the plain background for the widgets (formerly a part of the draw() method). * New method rect_to_client() in BaseWidget class, which returns the absolute rectangle position of a widget on the screen and can be used as a replacement for the dropped 'eventarea' attribute. * New method check_sizes() method in BaseWidget.class, which guarantees valid sizes within the limitations of the BaseWidget. * New 'date_width' attribute and set_date_width() method in the StatusBar class. * New 'tip_width' attribute and set_tip_width() method in the StatusBar class. * New method select_all() in the ScrolledList class. * New 'managers' attribute and get_managers() method in the Renderer class, which returns a dict containing the event managers of the different layers using the layer depths as keys. * New 'active_layer' attribute and set_active_layer() method in the Renderer class to set the active input layer * New 'show_layer_info' attribute and set_show_layer_info() method in the Renderer class to show layer information upon switching the active layer. * New 'support_resize' attribute and set_support_resize() method in the Renderer class to support VIDEORESIZE events. * New switch_layer() method in Renderer class to allow switching the input layer using CTRL-SPACE. * Full z-axis layer support through a new layer system within the the Renderer class. * Assigning the 'screen' attribute of the Renderer now will keep the surface attributes such as alpha transparency or a colorkey intact. * Events passed to the Renderer will be sent to the currently active layer only (except mouse events). * The updating mechanisms heavily changed. Updates are applied and shown instantly without a time bound loop mechanism. The event manangement in the Renderer class however is still bound to a timer. * Updating and drawing code was rewritten, which might break user defined drawing code. * Widgets are positioned relatively to their parents now, so that widget.rect returns the relative coordinates. * The 'position' attribute and set_position() method of the BaseWidget class are deprecated. Use the 'topleft' attribute instead. * The 'eventarea' attribute and set_event_area () method of the BaseWidget class are deprecated. Use the rect_to_client () method instead. * The Style class was rewritten in order to make use of theme engines. * Generic drawing routines were separated into an own default theme engine. * draw() methods of the widgets now take care of drawing the widget specific parts (formerly the Style class methods did that). * The BaseWidget class exposes all its pygame.Rect attributes. * Made several hittest and drawing related methods of the Entry class private. * The ScrolledWindow class now expects a ViewPort widget as child. Assigning any widget to its child attribute will encapsulate it in a ViewPort automatically, if not already done. * Made the get_visible_area() method of the ScrolledWindow class private. * The default value of the 'spacing' attribute for the ScrolledList changed from 2 to 0. * Made the get_coords_from_value() and get_value_from_coords() methods of the Scale and ScrollBar classes private. * Made get_slider_size() and get_button_coords() methods of the ScrollBar class private. * The StatusBar class uses fixed widths for the date and tips now. * The 'rect' attribute of the BaseWidget will return a copy of itself now. * The update() method of the BaseWidget receives keyword arguments now. * The set_dirty() method of the BaseWidget receives an additional argument now. * The 'caret_visible' attribute of the Editable class is writeable now. * The text argument in the CheckButton, RadioButton and ToggleButton constructors is optional now. * The image argument in the ImageButton constructor is optional now. * The Button, ImageButton and ToggleButton classes now inherit from ButtonBase. * The Button, ToggleButton, ImageButton, CheckButton and RadioButton classes now will draw a dashed border on focus regardless of a set child. * The create_screen() method of the Renderer class now allows to set additional flags as defined by pygame.display.set_mode(). * The look of the Scale classes was overhauled. * The load() style loading method of the Style class now recognizes variables, which start with '_'. * Improved navigation support in the ScrolledList class. * The ListItemCollection now inherits from UserList. * The ListItemCollection constructor now receives optional list arguments. * Fixed a bug in ListItemCollection.destroy() which prevented it from being destroyed correctly. * 'shadow' value of the default style changed from 2 to 1. * Various former drawing methods of the Style class now draw directly on the passed surface. * Brushed up default FOLDER icon image. * Removed the RenderLayer class. * Removed the force_update() method from the Renderer class. * 'size' attribute and set_size() method are replaced by the 'minsize' and 'maxsize' attributes and the set_minimum_size() and set_maximum_size() methods in BaseWidget class. The 'size' attribute itself will return the actual size of the widget. * Removed the get_scrollable_area() method from the ScrolledWindow class.